All Levels Ceramics with James Mitschmyer
With a focus on the wheel and incorporation of hand-built elements, James Mitschmyer will shepherd students, from beginners to veteran potters, to taking their work to the next level. From Sprig molds and hand-building to perfecting or learning basic wheel-throwing techniques, this class focuses on the individual interests of the participants. (Once a week; 8 sessions)
Experience Level: Beginning through Advanced.
What’s Included:
Laguna Stoneware clay (up to 25 lbs), Glaze Materials, both Bisque and Glaze Firings (cone 6).
The opportunity to glaze-fire twice, including mid-way through the class and the final week.
Students are encouraged to purchase their own basic Kemper Pottery Tool Kit (, though primary tools will be available on loan during class sessions.