
Learn the screen printing process from start to finish in a single day class with Carrie!
Students will learn the process of screen coating, development, washing and finally printing their designs. Each student will leave with 3 finished t-shirts from a wide choice of sizes and colors provided by Carrie, plus practice shirts from the MAXT supply.
Students can pick from hundreds of designs for their pieces from Carrie's stock (from years of professional screen printing) or bring their own.
Design parameters:
Design must be printed in black ink using an inkjet printer on an inkjet transparency. Design must fit on an 8.5" x 11" sheet. No lines in any element of the design should be smaller that 2mm.
This class includes a 1hr break for lunch.
Screen Printing in a Day
Purchase required to enroll

Learn the screen printing process from start to finish in a single day class with Carrie!
Students will learn the process of screen coating, development, washing and finally printing their designs. Each student will leave with 3 finished t-shirts from a wide choice of sizes and colors provided by Carrie, plus practice shirts from the MAXT supply.
Students can pick from hundreds of designs for their pieces from Carrie's stock (from years of professional screen printing) or bring their own.
Design parameters:
Design must be printed in black ink using an inkjet printer on an inkjet transparency. Design must fit on an 8.5" x 11" sheet. No lines in any element of the design should be smaller that 2mm.
This class includes a 1hr break for lunch.
No upcoming schedule