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Wood Turning Foundations

$450 Purchase required to enroll

Join our experienced wood turning instructors Bryan Field and Doug Finkel for this deep dive in to wood turning. This is an extremely small, very hands on course taking only 4 students per session.

Over 7 weeks students will cover a wide range of wood turning techniques, from the basics of spindle and bowl turning to completing a final display piece of their own design. Students will create multiple projects along the way in a variety of woods all provided as part of the class fee. Classes will cover safety, tool care and sharpening alongside turning instruction.

Students are expected to practice their skills between sessions: additional open studio hours are available Tuesdays 6-9p for our regular Wood Turning Open Studio at no cost for Woodturning Foundations students. Guidance from expert turner and teaching assistant Rick Bernier as well as a variety of blanks and scrap lumber will be available during these hours for practice.

Week 1 will begin with the basics of technique with guidance from both Doug and Bryan. Each tutor will take turns teaching a wide variety of projects including turning green pieces, matched parts, off axis turning and platters during weeks 2-6. In the final class students will be provided with a blank and work on designing and turning a piece of their choice.