Quilts 101

Learn the basics of quilting with Patricia by creating a baby or lap sized quilt with a half square triangle design. This is an intensive and small course taking only 6 students per session.
In the first class we will make half square triangle blocks to learn about fabric choices, cutting methods, and sewing techniques. The second class will discuss block layout, and design choices as we work on finishing the quilt top. The third class will introduce quilting options as we prepare our quilts for finishing. The final class will cover methods for binding and signing our quilts.
In order to be able to finish your own quilt you will need a knowledge of basic machine sewing and the ability to work independently outside of class either at home or in the makerspace. Open Studio hours are available free of charge for students during our regular Sunday 1-4p events to finish your piece. A short introduction to the longarm quilting machine will be included but proficiency on this machine will take dedicated practice. Patricia MacFarlane will be the instructor for this course. She is an award winning quilter, who has been learning from her mistakes all her life.
For your piece students will need to provide quilting cotton in their choice of patterns, (a limited supply of quilting cotton is available from donations at MAXT at no charge, students are welcome to "shop" this stash before the class). Total fabric costs estimated around $40
1 1/2 yard white, off white or light colored fabric, may be as multiple pieces/ patterns.
4 fat quarters darker assorted prints
3/4 yard of fabric similar to the assorted dark prints for binding (and some of the squares)
1 yard of any hue for the back.